Thursday 2 December 2010

"Can a man possessing consciousness ever really respect himself?" (Dostoevsky 2001 [1863]: 12)

A century and a half year old echo of admonition...

Beware of revelation!

... especially through wanting to know...

Beware of the burden!

... perhaps not as much of awareness as of self-awareness... not of consciousness but of self-consciousness...

So how’s it gonna be:

“Beware! “?

or “Be aware!”?

If to know is to suffer and to suffer is to care, then we are caught in the web of particular moral principle... adding to the burden of self-consciousness the burden of responsibility...

“Hello”, inquiringly we greet ourselves. We gaze, we touch, we explore, we adore... blinded by the awe of our ego so immaculate... loooooove... hands so dirty... gaze so dire... unleashed filthy fingertips stain the innocence of virgin skin... forever... calamitous and ruthless gaze infuse the impiety...

You! You... you, you stupid fool... you, the object of your own reverence... you, the devoted devotee... you can’t cage the humming bird no matter how big the cage... you can’t purify the snowflake in the purgatory of your burning hand... you can’t wash the clear spring water with toxic waste... there’s no liberty in freedom... there’s no rescue in the refuge...

So, can a man possessing consciousness ever really respect himself?

The truth is that the truth is not!

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