Monday 16 July 2012

"A smile relieves a heart that grieves" (Jagger 1981)


  1. Thumbing your way back to heaven?

  2. Aaaaaa, good one - "I smile but who am I kidding?" nisam se sjetio te... iako, onda bi ova linija trebala umjesto "relieves" da bude "reveals"... prichachu sa gosn' Jagger-om pa da napishemo novu pjesmu... mozda danas, kad je "malo" ostario nije vishe toliko ubjedjen u ljekovita svojstva prijateljskog osmijeha (ili uopshte bilo kakvog osmijeha) pa bi mu ovaj novi sentiment bio adekvatniji... hahaha "a smile reveals a heart that grieves" = "I smile but who am I kidding"

  3. And yet: "No matter how cold the winter there's a springtime ahead"... some things are worth waiting for... and there's a remedy for enduring the hardships of waiting... something that might even turn the waiting itselfninto somethingbuly beautiful..."What is it?" you may ask. I say let the Backspacer black circle turn... coordinates: A1 (ooops, I think that yet another circle just got closed)

  4. Hallå, är det nån där?

    Lalalalalalalalala ;)
