Tuesday 16 December 2008

"Man kan inte ha en relation mellan två ingenting." (Hylland Eriksen: 2004: 30)


  1. "I know I was born and I know that I'll die." (Vedder)

    Däremellan relaterar vi!

  2. "Först kom ingenting, sen kom ingenting." (J.Berg)

    The in beetween is mine!

  3. "Happiness is only real when shared" (Christopher McCandless - a character from... from the wild)

  4. A sta mislish o ovome:

    "The Nothing itself nothings." (Carnap 1959, 69).

  5. Bitisanje (Varat ili the Being) se smatra dominantnim u relaciji sa svojom suprotnoshchu, tj nishtom bez sadrzaja (Intet ili The Nothing ili Nothingness) zbog toga shto se nishta po tradiciji smatra kao to shto je ostalo kad se bitisanje odstrani.Da je nishta bez sadrzaja bila dominantna vjerovatno bi se bitisanje smatralo za ono shto nam ostane kad se nishta odstrani.

  6. Ali ako je nishta stvarno bez sadrzaja kako onda mozhemo da referiramo na to nishta kao neshto shto ne postoji. Onda se predajemo kontradikciji i inkoherentno tvrdimo da je nishta ipak neshto - dakle tvrdimo da postoji jedno nishta koje ima vrijednost ne postojanja.

  7. "What is to be investigated is being only and — nothing else; being alone and further — nothing; solely being, and beyond being — nothing. What about this Nothing? ... Does the Nothing exist only because the Not, i.e. the Negation, exists? Or is it the other way around? Does Negation and the Not exist only because the Nothing exists? ... We assert: the Nothing is prior to the Not and the Negation. ... Where do we seek the Nothing? How do we find the Nothing? ... We know the Nothing. ... Anxiety reveals the Nothing. ... That for which and because of which we were anxious, was 'really' — nothing. Indeed: the Nothing itself — as such — was present. ... What about this Nothing? — The Nothing itself nothings." (Carnap 1959, 69)

  8. :))
    Ja bih prije rekao da mi znamo da smo se rodili ali ne mozemo znati da li nam je smrt neminovna!

    Al' jamda je moja perspektiva benli subjektivna:)

  9. ...baci uz vodu, vratit ce se niz vodu... tj. ako bacis nesto mozda ti se vrati nista, a ako ne bacis nista onda bi mozda mogao nesto da i dobijes ili nedobijes....;)...32

  10. "Threadbare tapestry unwinding slow..."

  11. :))
    "more of nothing in my life"

  12. To je sa verzije Jar of Flies (SAP) sto ja nemam
