Tuesday 25 May 2010

"Query: How contrive not to waste ones time? Answer: By being fully aware of it all the while" (Camus 2004[1947]: 26)

"Ways in which this can be done: By spending one's days on an uneasy chair in a dentist's waiting room; by remaining on one's balcony all a Sunday afternoon; by listening to a lecture in a language one doesn't know; by travelling by the longest and least convenient train routes, and of course standing all the way; by queueing at the box-office of theatres and then not booking a seat. And so forth" (Camus 2004[1947]: 26)

Thursday 20 May 2010

""We shall not abolish lying by refusing to tell lies, but by using every means at hand to abolish classes" (Sartre 1989 [1948]: 218)

HUGO: I never lie to my comrades. I - Why should you fight for the liberation of men, if you think no more of them than to stuff their heads with falsehoods?

HOEDERER: I'll lie when I must, and I have contempt for noone. I wasn't the one who invented lying. It grew out of a society divided into classes, and each one of us has inherited it from birth. We shall not abolish lying by refusing to tell lies, but by using every means at hand to abolish classes.

Monday 17 May 2010

"Your vaunted freedom isolates you from the fold; it means exile." (Sartre 1989 [1943]: 118)

"Ako Sarajevo umre, onda je ugasnula Evropa u slobodi i pravednosti, u ethosu multikulturalizma i pluralizma" (Sharchevic 2007: 14)

"Da usprkos dosadashnjem iskustvu, put do otvorene, univerzalne, tolerantne Evrope, prolazi kroz Sarajevo, kroz obuhvachanje politichke i etichke osnove ljudskog egzistiranja. Ako Sarajevo umre, onda je ugasnula Evropa u slobodi i pravednosti, u ethosu multikulturalizma i pluralizma.

Dovoljno je otvoriti ochi - i istina se pojavljuje u dubljim znachenjima. Samo to su, u svakom sluchaju, nepodnoshljive istine - sa ponorima, neizvjesnostima, predstavljivostima [...]

Na zhalost, desilo se da su taj krajolik lijepog [Bosnu] koje je blizhe istini od svega drugog, taj krajolik evropskog duha, tolerancije i koegzistencije, da su ga, ipak, neochekivano, naposljetku, slike preplavile i opustoshile. Dovoljno je rechi: mitologijske, nacionalne, politichke opsjene, koje teshko, na zhalost, zastare."

Evropska Kultura i Duhovne Znanosti, Sharchevich, A, 2007